February 10, 2011



For those who have served on a jury...this one is something to think about. Just when you think you have heard everything!!

Do you like to read a good murder mystery?  Not even Law and Order would attempt to capture this mess. This is an

unbelievable twist of fate!!!!

At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, (AAFS) President,

Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the legal complications of a

bizarre death. Here is the story:

On March 23,1994, the medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and

concluded that he died from a shotgun wound to the head. Mr. Opus had jumped

from the top of a ten-story building intending to commit suicide.

He left a note to the effect indicating his despondency. As he fell past

the ninth floor, his life was interrupted by a shotgun blast passing through a

window, which killed him instantly.

Neither the shooter nor the deceased was aware that a safety net had been

installed just below the eighth floor level to protect some building workers and

that Ronald Opus would not have been able to complete his suicide the way he had


The room on the ninth floor, where the shotgun blast emanated, was occupied by

an elderly man and his wife. They were arguing vigorously and he was

threatening her with a shotgun! The man was so upset that when he pulled the

trigger, he completely missed his wife, and the pellets went through the window,

striking Mr. Opus.

When one intends to kill subject 'A' but kills subject 'B' in the attempt, one

is guilty of the murder of subject 'B.'

When confronted with the murder charge, the old man and his wife were both

adamant, and both said that they thought the shotgun was not loaded. The old

man said it was a long-standing habit to threaten his wife with the unloaded

shotgun. He had no intention to murder her. Therefore the killing of Mr.

Opus appeared to be an accident; that is, assuming the gun had been accidentally


The continuing investigation turned up a witness who saw the old couple's son

loading the shotgun about six weeks prior to the fatal accident. It

transpired that the old lady had cut off her son's financial support and the

son, knowing the propensity of his father to use the shotgun threateningly,

loaded the gun with the expectation that his father would shoot his mother.

Since the loader of the gun was aware of this, he was guilty of the murder

even though he didn't actually pull the trigger. The case now becomes one of

murder on the part of the son for the death of Ronald Opus.

Now comes the exquisite twist....

Further investigation revealed that the son was, in fact, Ronald Opus.

He had become increasingly despondent over the failure of his attempt to

engineer his mother's murder. This led him to jump off the ten-story building

on March 23rd, only to be killed by a shotgun blast passing through the ninth

story window.

The son, Ronald Opus, had actually murdered himself.. So the medical

examiner closed the case as a suicide.

A true story from Associated Press



Boudreaux, an 80-year-old South Louisiana Cajun, goes to the doctor for his every year check-up.

The doctor is amazed at what good shape he is in and asks, "How you stay in such great physical condition, Boudreaux?"

"I stay in the swamp and I hunt and fish every day" says the old Cajun, and, that's why I'm in such good shape. "I'm up well before daylight and out hunting or fishing all day. I have a beer for breakfast and at lunch and wid my supper. And I have a shot of houch before bed time. And I say my prayers every night. And all is well wid me"

"Well", says the doctor, "I'm sure those prayers help, but there's got to be more to it. How old was your father when he died?"

"Who said Pop is dead?"

The doctor is amazed. "You mean you're 80 years old and your father's still alive? How old he is?"

"Pop be 100 next month," say Boudreaux. "In fact, he hunted with me this morning, and then we went to a "beer joint" for a while and had a few beers and that's why he's still alive. He's a tough Cajun man And he hunts and fishes every day, too.

"Well, the doctor says, that's great, but I'm sure there's more to it than that. How about your father's father? How old was he when he died?"

"Who said my Paw Paw's dead?"

Stunned, the doctor asks, "You mean you're 80 years old, your father is 100 and your grandfather's still living? Incredible! How old he is?"

"We tink 'bout 118." says the old Cajun. He likes his beer too, but he wont touch the hard stuff."

The doctor is getting frustrated at this point, "So, I guess your grandfather went hunting and fishing with you'll this morning too?"

"No, Paw Paw couldn't go this time. He's getting married today." At this point the doctor is close to losing it. "Getting married! Why would a 118-year-old man want to get married?"

Boudreaux looked down at the floor and mumbled "Who said he wanted to?"

February 4, 2011


A U.S. Marine Colonel was about to start the morning briefing to his staff.
While waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing, the colonel
decided to pose a question to all assembled.
He explained that his wife had been a bit frisky the night before and he failed to get his usual amount of sound sleep.
He posed the question of just how much of sex was "work" and how much of it was "pleasure?"
A Major chimed in with 75-25% in favor of work.
A Captain said it was 50-50%.
A lieutenant responded with 25-75% in favor of pleasure, depending upon his state of inebriation at the time.
There being no consensus, the colonel turned to the PFC who was in charge of making the coffee and asked for HIS opinion?
Without any hesitation, the young PFC responded, "Sir, it has to be 100% pleasure."
The colonel was surprised and as you might guess, asked why?
"Well, sir, if there was any work involved, the officers would have me doing it for them."
The room fell silent.
God Bless the enlisted man.




The Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service were presenting an alternative to the Wyoming ranchers for controlling the coyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the tried and true method of shooting or trapping the predators, the Sierra Club had a "more humane" solution to this issue. What they were proposing was for the animals to be captured alive. The males would then be castrated and let loose again. This was ACTUALLY proposed by the Sierra Club and by the U.S. Forest Service. All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a http://www.pmcaregivers.com/images/old<br />                                  rancher.jpgcouple of minutes. Finally an old fellow wearing a big cowboy hat in the back of the conference room stood up, tipped his hat back and said; "Son, I don't think you understand our problem here... these coyotes ain't f'ing our sheep... they're eatin' 'em!" The meeting never really got back to order. . . =

February 2, 2011


This is so true! They  always ask at the doctor's office why you are there, and you have to answer in front of others what's wrong  and sometimes it is embarrassing.

There's nothing worse than a Doctor's Receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you in a room full of other patients. 

I know most of us have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.

A 65-year-old man walked into a crowded waiting room and approached the desk.

The Receptionist said, 'Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor for today?'

'There's something wrong with my dick', he replied.

The receptionist became irritated and said, 'You shouldn't come into a crowded waiting room and say things like that. '

'Why not, you asked me what was wrong and I told you,' he said.

The Receptionist replied; 'Now you've caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and discussed the problem further with the Doctor in private.'

The man replied, 'You shouldn't ask people questions in a roomful of strangers, if the answer could embarrass anyone. The man walked out, waited several minutes, and then re-entered.

The Receptionist smiled smugly and asked, 'Yes??'

'There's something wrong with my ear,' he stated.

The Receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice.. 'And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?'

'I can't piss out of it,' he replied.

The waiting room erupted in laughter...

Mess with seniors and you're going to lose!!

December 26, 2010


Subj: Fwd: FW: Good ol&apos; Hanoi Jane

Never Forgive A Traitor

For those of you too young to remember Hanoi Jane is a bad person and did some terrible things
during the Vietnam war. Things that can
not be forgiven!!!!
For those
who served and/or died. . .


And now OBAMA wants to honor

In Memory of LT. C.Thomsen Wieland
who spent 100 days at the Hanoi Hilton

She really is a traitor.
This is for all the kids born in the 70's and
after who do not remember, and didn't have
to bear the burden that our fathers, mothers and
older brothers and sisters had to bear..
Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the '100
Women of the Century.'

many have forgotten and still countless others
have never known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only
the idea of our country, but specific men who
served and sacrificed during


The first part of this is from an F-4E
pilot. The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll,
a River Rat.
In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF
Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison the
' Hanoi Hilton.'
Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell,
cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was
ordered to describe for a visiting American 'Peace
Activist' the 'lenient and humane treatment' he'd
He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was
dragged away. During the subsequent beating,
he fell forward
on to the camp Commandant 's feet, which sent
that officer berserk.
In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered
from double vision (which permanently ended his
flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied
application of a wooden baton.
From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the
47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6 years in the 'Hanoi
Hilton',,, the first three of which his family
only knew he was 'missing in action'. His wife
lived on faith that he was still alive.
His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed
and clothed routine in preparation for a 'peace
delegation' visit.
They, however, had time and devised a plan
to get word to the world that they were alive
and still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece
of paper, with his Social Security Number on it
, in the palm of his hand.
When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman,
she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and
asking little encouraging snippets like: 'Aren't
you sorry you bombed babies?' and 'Are you grateful
for the humane treatment from your benevolent
captors?' Believing this HAD to be an act, they
each palmed her their sliver of paper.
She took them all without missing a beat..
At the end of the line and once the camera stopped
rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs,
she turned to the officer in charge and handed
him all the little pieces of paper..
Three men died from the subsequent beatings.
Colonel Carrigan was almost number four but he
survived, which is the only reason we know of
her actions that day.
I was a civilian economic development advisor
in Vietnam , and was captured by the North Vietnamese
communists in South Vietna m in 1968, and held
prisoner for over 5 years.
I spent 27 months in solitary confinement;
one year in a cage in Cambodia ; and one year
in a 'black box' in Hanoi My North Vietnamese
captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female
missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me
Thuot , South Vietnam , whom I buried in the
jungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I
weighed only about 90 lbs. (My normal weight is
170 lbs)
We were Jane Fonda's 'war criminals..'
When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi , I was asked
by the camp communist political officer if I would
be willing to meet with her..
I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about
the real treatment we POWs received... and how
different it was from the treatment purported
by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as
'humane and lenient.'
Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky
floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched with
a large steel weights placed on my hands, and
beaten with a bamboo cane.
I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda
soon after I was released. I asked her if
she would be willing to debate me on TV. She never
did answer me.
These first-hand experiences do not exemplify
someone who should be honored as part of
'100 Years of Great Women.' Lest we forget....'
100 Years of Great Women' should never include
a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood
of so many patriots.
There are few things I have strong visceral
reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in
blatant treason, is one of them. Please take the
time to forward to as many people as you possibly
can.. It will eventually end up on her computer
she needs to know that we will never forget.
RONALD D. SAMPSON, CMSgt, USAF 716 Maintenance
Squadron, Chief of Maintenance DSN: 875-6431
COMM: 883-6343


I Am the Liberal-Progressives Worst Nightmare. 
I am an American.
I am a Master Mason and believe in God.
I ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles and believe in American  products. 
I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not  some Liberal governmental functionary be it Democratic or Republican!
I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that  way!
I think  owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes  you a smart American.
I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything. Get over it!
I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, do it in  English.
I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and Willie G.  Davidson that makes the awesome Harley Davidson  Motorcycles.
I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor.
I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time  watching or arguing about it.
I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I haven't burned  any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! 
So, shut up  already.
I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back  to where you came from and change your own country!
This is AMERICA .We like it the way it is!
If you were  born here and don't like it you are free to move  to any Socialist country that will have you.
I want to  know which church is it exactly where the  Reverend Jesse Jackson preaches, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the  problem and not the solution. 
Can I get an  AMEN on that one?
I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if  you're breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.
And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my drivers  license. 
I think it's good.... And I'm proud that 'God' is written on  my money.
I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the  next four years.
I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making 'donations' to their cause. 
Get a Job and do your part!
I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.
I believe  'illegal' is illegal no matter what the lawyers think.
I believe the American flag should be the only one allowed in  AMERICA !
If  this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I'm a  BAD American.
If you are a BAD American too, please forward this to everyone you know.
We want our country back!


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